
  • Н.Б. ГРАБОВСКИЙ (N.B. GRABOVSKYІ), канд. с.-х. наук, доцент Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserka, Ukraine
  • Т.А. ГРАБОВСКАЯ (T.А. GRABOVSKAYA), канд. с.-х. наук, доцент Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserka, Ukraine
  • В.Л. КУРИЛО (V.L. KURILO), доктор с.-х. наук, профессор Vinnitsa National Agrarian University, Vinnitsa, Ukraine


sweet sorghum, corn, compatible crops, yield, green mass, biogas


Corn as a raw material for the production of biogas from energy crops, is of the greatest importance mainly due to well developed technology of cultivation and ensiling. Sorghum is an alternative to corn, it produces biomass compositionally similar to corn and has a higher level of
productivity. Corn hybrids Monica 350 MV, Bystriza 400 MV, sweet sorghum Silosne 42 variety and Dovista hybrid were sown in single-species and compatible crops in 2013-2016. The aim of the study was to determine the productivity of sweet sorghum and corn, and the calculated output of biogas. In our study, the maximum weight of sweet sorghum and corn plants was formed during the dough-stage. This index was almost the same in single-species and compatible crops and amounted in Silosne 42 variety 611.8-618.7 g, in Dovista hybrid 725.2-733.2 g, in Monica 350 MV hybrid – 1050.4-1063.5 g., in Bistritza 400 MV hybrid –1109.6-1116.4 g. The yield of green mass of sweet sorghum is higher than in corn. Thus, on average over the years of research, sweet sorghum in single-species crops provides a yield of green mass 67.8-76.1 t/ha, which is 11.6-24.0 t/ha higher than in corn. In compatible crops the yield of green mass was 9.0-30.5 t/ha higher than in single-species crops. The highest level of yield of green mass was noted in the compatible crops of sweet sorghum Dovista hybrid and corn Bistriza 400 MV hybrid – 85.5 t/ha. In the compatible crops of sweet sorghum and corn, the calculated output of biogas was 8.8-10.3 thsd m 3 /ha, which is more on 3.4-20.3% and 35.1-54.5% compared to single-species crops.


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Biological sciences