Ecological Aspects of Rehabilitation Transferred to the Forest Fund of Degraded Reclaminated Peats
ecology, drainage, peat lands, degradation, forestry, fire hazard, rehabilitationAbstract
The draining of wetlands, which began in the 1950s, had a significant impact on the ecological situation in Belarus. The result of the intensive use of drained peat lands was the transformation of reclaimed territories into anthropogenically disturbed ones, which led to a deterioration of the ecological and fire hazard situation in these regions. Drained peat lands are systematically transferred to the forestry after agro-industrial use. Thus, in the period from 2008 to 2018 inclusive, 5,995.2 ha of degraded peat lands were transferred to forestry. These territories are abandoned areas overgrown with trees and shrubs, which is one of the causes of fires on the peat lands of the forest stock and leads to large economic losses associated with fire fighting and the death of adjacent tree stands. For the period from 2010 to 2017, peat fires occurred on the area of forest stock on an area of 113.1 hectares. The implementation of a set of environmental measures at the developed peat deposits and degraded peat lands removed from agricultural use helps to reduce the fire hazard of these lands, their restoration and normalization of the ecological situation in the areas of their location.
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