Perfection of the Belarusian Meat Breed of Pigs by Introductive Crossing with Landrace Breeds
agricultural animals, pig breeding, breeding work, meat pigs, Belarusian meat breed, landrace, selectionAbstract
The Republic of Belarus constantly conducts scientific and practical research to identify and improve local pig breeds in order to increase their valuable characteristics The presented article is devoted to the topical issue of pig breeding – the genetic improvement of the Belarusian pigs meat breed in order to increase the fattening and meat indicators. The article contains a comparative analysis of pure-breeding of pigs and crossbred animals on the basis of main estimated figures: live weight, body length, quality of breeding boar semen, breeding sows prolificacy. In the course of work on the genetic improvement of the Belarusian meat breed various variants of crossing along with pure-breeding were carried out in order to obtain half-blood, ¼ - blood and ¾ – blood of landrace breed animals, similar in direction of fecundity, but not ancestral to animals of Belarusian meat breed. It has been established that a one-time “admixture of new blood” of the Landrace breed contributes to the improvement of the fattening and meat qualities of pigs: age when live weight attains 100 kg is reduced by 8.6 days (P≤0.01), the cost of feed per 1 kg of weight gain cuts (0.16 k.ed .; P≤0.05), the mass of the semi-carcass third hindquarter increases (by 0.8 kg, P≤0.01). A further increase in blood flow of the Landrace breed (up to 75%) leads to an increase in the mass of the posterior third of the half carcass (by 6.4%), the area of the "loin eye" (8.5%) and decreases in the thickness of the lard (by 10.5%).
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