Methodological Approach to the Estimation of Environmental Risks Related to Chemical Contamination of Lands
environmental risk, heavy metals, land pollutionAbstract
This article presents a methodical approach for calculating the toxicity factor and the ecological risk index for the diagnosis of potential land contamination. This methodical approach is based on a quantitative assessment of the environmental consequences of the entry of chemicals into the environment. It takes into account the current content of the pollutant in the soil, the background content of these pollutants and the calculated toxicity factor of the elements. The toxicity factor is calculated taking into account the content of pollutants in different components of the ecosystem. To approbate the methodology, we calculated the environmental risk of land contamination with heavy metals in the cities of the Minsk Region (Borisov, Volozhin, Minsk, Molodechno, Slutsk, Soligorsk) and the industrial functional zones of the Republic (metallurgical machine building complex and industrial complex) according to the National Environmental Monitoring System environment of the Republic of Belarus. The content of heavy metals in the soils of the study areas was in the range: Pb 17.3-48.3 mg / kg; Zn 63.0-171; Cd 0.16-1.65; Cr 67.9; Ni 6.8-29.7; Cu 14.7-62.2; As 3.07 and 19.5; Mn 273-482 mg / kg. The quantitative assessment of pollutants showed that the metallurgical-machine building complex has a high index of environmental risk, and this risk is largely determined by the presence of cadmium. The territory of the industrial complex has a very high index of environmental risk, largely due to compounds containing arsenic and cadmium. In cities of the Minsk region, the environmental risk index for the pollutants studied in soils is mainly at moderate and l ow levels. Against this background, Minsk stands out with a significant level of land contamination by copper compounds.
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