Prospects for the use of a Homestead Park at the Former Kliyanovskii Manor


  • В.В. Волкова (V.V. Volkova), ассистент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • В.Н. Кравцова (V.N. Krautsova), канд. с.-х. наук, доцент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


park, ecopark, tree and shrub plantings, inventory


The sanitary condition of the woody-shrubby vegetation is analyzed in the park at the former Kliyanovsky estate (village of Berduny, Pinsky district of the Brest region). Trees and shrubs are divided into groups according to the classes of sanitary status, territorial location, age, abundance of species. An assessment is given to the landscape-planning organization of the territory at the moment. The prospect is presented of the possible use of the preserved stands as an ecological park. Recommendations are given on improving the sanitary condition and quality of care for tree and shrub plantings in the study area.


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Biological sciences