Structure and Condition of Tree Stands of the Park “Novo-Bereznovsky”
botanical nature monument, garden landscape, dendrologist's, tree stand, the types of parklandAbstract
Based on the inventory of woody plants BMNLS “Novo-Berezhnovsky” park accounted for 1613 objects of dendroflora objects were taken into account, consisting of 36 species that belong to 27 genera 16 families, 9 orders, 2 classes, 2 departments. The dominant number is Cаrpinus bеtulus L., the part of which in plants is 42,6%. Among other species, Quеrcus rоbur L., Bеtula pеndula L. and Acer platanoides L., Tilia cordata Mill are considered frequent; other species were rare. Dendrological value was determined by the sanitary condition of plantings, half of which is in good condition, as well as the number of introduced species. Their number has decreased by 9 over the past 19 years. In the structure of complex multi-tiered arrays, 134 individuals with an age of more than 100 years were identified. Another driveway from Cаrpinus bеtulus L. in the Northern part of the Park was also identified.
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