The Influence of Nickel Sulfate on Biomass Yield and Protein Content in Chlorella Vulgaris in the Dynamics of Culture Growth
chlorella, culture, nickel sulfate, biomass, cellular protein, proteolytic activityAbstract
The addition of NiSO4 to the Chlorella vulgaris IBCE C-19 nutrient medium sat a concentration of 10–4…10–1 M caused inhibition of algal growth after a day, and at a concentration of ≥ 10–2 М – the death of culture after 13 days. However, the death of the chlorella culture was not observed at this effector concentration more than 5 times higher than that indicated in the publications (10 mg/l). At nickel sulfate concentration of 10–3 M after 5 and 9 days, the biomass level exceeded the values of the control variant by 16% and 19%, respectively. Even after 19 days, the biomass yield of this experimental case was deeply different from control by no more than 10%. Intracellular protein concentration shifts were of complex nature. However, changes in its level were not fatal and were not directly caused by shifts (depression ≤ 18%) in the activity of neutral intracellular caseinolytic and gelatinolytic proteinases.
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