Landscape Organization Analysys of School Campuses Aiming to Improve Ecological Conditions
school campus, greening, dendroflora, introduced species, inventoryingAbstract
The full dendroflora inventorying of all Pinsk school campuses has been held for the first time. The article provides data which claims that, according to inventorying, 2385 tree and shrubbeery plantings belonging to 58 types, 40 gens, 20 familias have been considered. Betula pendula Roth. is the dominant tree (22,2%), Thuja occidentalis L. is the dominant shrubbery (30%). While conditions assessment, it was determinated that 53,1% of trees and 76,6% of shrubs are absolutely vigorous. 34 trees are advisable to be removed. During the surveying there were found some introduced species: 333 trees and 865 shrubs. The comparison of tree and shrubbery planting density figures for 1 hectare with norms has been held.
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