New data on the adventive fraction of the flora of Belarus
introduced plants, new locations, invasive species, naturalization of plantsAbstract
Objective. To provide new information about the distribution, growing conditions and features of naturalization of adventive species of spontaneous flora of Belarus.
Materials and methods. Data from floral surveys performed using reconnaissance, route, and semi-stationary methods. All the cited finds are confirmed by herbarium collections.
Results. 183 new localities have been described, which allow us to supplement the information on the distribution of 97 species and 1 variety belonging to 81 genera and 37 families. New taxa for the spontaneous flora of Belarus are Phoenix dactylifera and Euonymus nanus, which were first recorded outside the cultivation areas. Previously unknown places of growth for a number of rare adventitious species are indicated: Camelina microcarpa, Inula helenium, Onopordum acanthium, Solidago ×niederederi, Veronica filiformis. The high degree of naturalization and potential invasive status of Cotoneaster lucidus, Ligustrum vulgare, Lunaria annua, Rudbeckia laciniata, Spiraea ×rosalba were confirmed. It is established that new weed species of plants that are characterized by high aggressiveness in the conditions of Belarus can be Eleusine indica, Eragrostis tef and Panicum virgatum.
Conclusion. The data on the species composition, distribution and naturalization features of a number of adventive taxa of the spontaneous flora of Belarus are supplemented.
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