Use of biopreparation «Bitoxibacillin» against blueberry phytophages


  • N.N. Bezruchenok Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • S.V. Tynovets Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


highbush blueberry, insect pests, howthorn butterfly, winter moth, ringed silkworm, roseworm


The presented article is devoted to the use of the biological preparation Bitoxibacillin against the complex of phytophages of tall blueberries (Vaccinium covilianum L.). The results of the studies indicate that the bioinsecticide Bitoxibacillin has shown a fairly high efficiency in the biological fight against lepidoptera pests of tall blueberries. The biological efficacy of the preparation against the caterpillars of the winter moth (Operophtera brumata L.) on the seventh to ninth days after the treatment at a rate of consumption of the drug of 2.0 kg / ha was 81.5%, the caterpillars of the ringed silkworm (Malacosoma neustria L.) - 77.5 %, caterpillars of the rose leafworm (Archips rosana L.) - 73.8%, caterpillars of the howthorn butterfly (Aporia crataegi L.) - 78.5%.

Author Biographies

N.N. Bezruchenok, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Biolog. Sc., Associate Professor, Associate Professor Department of Biotechnology

S.V. Tynovets, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Senior Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology


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Agricultural sciences