Infuence of chlorella suspension on growth rate of poikilo- and homoiothermal animals


  • T.V. Kazlova Grodno State Agrarian University, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
  • N.P. Dzmitrovich Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Y.V. Nestsiaruk Grodno State Agrarian University, Grodno, Republic of Belarus


poikilothermic and homeothermic animals, chlorella suspension, sterlet, calves, growth rate


As you know, the type and composition of feed have a decisive effect on the metabolism in the body, growth and development, the accumulation of mass, and the productivity of animals. It is known that the addition of algae to feed contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in animals, accelerates the growth of natural beneficial microflora during digestion and helps to strengthen the immune status of the body. The increase in the digestibility of feed is closely related to the activity of lactic acid bacteria, both in homeothermic and poikilothermic animals. The chlorella suspension, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, provides all the necessary lactic acid bacteria there, as it is the optimal breeding ground for them. Therefore, the use of a suspension in feed for farm animals has a positive effect on their growth rate and development.

Sterlet fry were grown in trays using a chlorella suspension in the feed in an amount of 4 ml suspension / 1 g compound feed (Coppens SteCo PRE GROWER 14) and 8 ml suspension / 1 g feed. The use of algae suspension in the amount of 8 ml of chlorella suspension / 1 g of compound feed had a positive effect on the survival rate and growth rate of juvenile fish and made it possible to achieve a savings of $ 7.59 per 1000 specimen. fish. Black-and-white calves of the dairy period were fed milk with the addition of a pure chlorella suspension and a suspension enriched with selenium in an amount of 300–500 ml. A higher growth rate was established in the group of animals that were given a chlorella suspension with the addition of 300 ml of selenium per head per day.

Author Biographies

T.V. Kazlova, Grodno State Agrarian University, Grodno, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Agric. Sc., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Microbiology and Episootology

N.P. Dzmitrovich, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

м.н.с. отраслевой лаборатории ДНК и КТРиЖ


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Agricultural sciences