Fish breeding and technological assessment of recirculating aquaculture system and ways to increase their resource efficiency


  • A.V. Kozyr Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


clarium catfish, recirculating aquaculture system, resource efficiency, flotator, biological treatment, pH-correction, gain, feed costs


The article gives an assessment of the main technological equipment used in recirculating aquaculture system, describes its main technological shortcomings, suggests a technological scheme and a physical model is tested using it to minimize their impact and increase the efficiency of the installation. Thus, the use of an electrolysis reagentless pH corrector makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the biological filtration system, as evidenced by a decrease in the concentration of ammonia-ammonium by 3.13 times and increase the average daily increase by 29.8%.

Author Biography

A.V. Kozyr, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Graduate Student


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Agricultural sciences