Species diversity and features of the taxonomical composition of the flora of Pripyat Polesye


  • A.M. Mialik Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Belarusian Polesye, native flora, adventitious flora, taxonomic spectrum, natural zonal features


Objective. Taking into account the division of the flora of vascular plants of the Pripyat Polesye into native, adventitious, spontaneous, synanthropic and cultural fractions, to assess the features of its species diversity and taxonomic composition.

Materials and methods. Results of own floristic researches, generalization of literary data and materials of herbarium collections, standard methods of comparative floristics.

Results. The modern flora of Pripyat Polesye, taking into account cultivated introducers, is represented by 2159 species belonging to 844 genera and 172 families. Its spontaneous fraction includes only 1520 naturally growing species from 609 genera and 141 families. According to the taxonomic composition, it belongs to the Rosaceae-type and Cyperaceae-subtype. The native flora fraction includes 880 species from 372 genera and 117 families. Its taxonomic composition is typical for the temperate latitudes of the Holarctic, and according to the ratio of leading families, it corresponds to the Cyperaceae-type and Scrophulariaceae-subtype. The adventive fraction of flora includes 640 species from 345 genera and 79 families. Together with the synanthropic fraction (915 species from 443 genera and 101 families), it belongs to the Rosaceae-type and Brassicaceae-subtype, which demonstrates the features inherent in southern phytochorios.

Conclusion. An assessment of the species diversity of the flora of the Pripyat Polesye was made and the features of its taxonomic structure were determined, demonstrating the loss of natural regional features by the flora due to anthropogenic impact.

Author Biography

A.M. Mialik, Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Head of the Sector for the Conservation and Restoration of Plant Resources


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Biological sciences