Enzymatic properties of nerve growth factor (NGF) and its subunits


  • N.S. Pyzhova Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • V.N. Nikandrov Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


nerve growth factor, subunits, plasminogen-activating ability, proteolytic activity, H2O2 degradation, superoxide radical conversion, purine nucleotides, nuclease activity


The enzymatic properties of high purity samples of the NGF oligomer and its subunits were studied. The presence of plasminogen-activating ability in the β-subunit, and direct proteolytic activity in relation to the basic protein, protamine, in the β- and γ-subunits was found. The inhibitory analysis indicates the “serine” nature of this activity; the presence of functionally significant metal-containing sites in the β-subunit molecule is likely. All three subunits are endowed with the superoxide-converging ability, but only β- and γ-subunits, according to biochemiluminescence data, are able to decompose H2O2 with the generation of reactive oxygen species. The plasminogen-activating ability of β- and γ-subunits was sharply - by 70-100% - inhibited by ATP, did not change with the addition of 3’,5’-AMP, moderately - by 18-40% - decreased in the presence of ADP and by 40 % increased in the presence of AMP. The activity of the β-subunit and γ-subunit was inhibited in the presence of GTP by 100 and 40%, respectively. All three subunits were found to be able to cleave DNA and RNA. Effector analysis and concentration dependence give reason to believe that the subunits are independent in this activity, and there are no mutual impurities. Treatment of the α-subunit with sources of reactive oxygen species did not lead to the manifestation of proteolytic activity. At the same time, its molecule has an active center endowed with nuclease activity.

Author Biographies

N.S. Pyzhova, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Biol. Sc., RSPC of Epidemiology and Microbiologe, Senior Researcher

V.N. Nikandrov, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Biol. Sc. Habil., Professor of Biochemistry, Professor of the Department of Biotechnology


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Biological sciences