Biochemical parameters of blood in poikilo- and homoiothermal animals using chlorella
chlorella suspension, biochemical parameters, African catfish, Lena sturgeon, calves, seleniumAbstract
Unicellular freshwater microalgae of the Chlorella vulgaris species are characterized by relative ease of cultivation, high productivity and high content of proteins and other valuable components. This is due to the presence of pigments, antioxidants, provitamins, vitamins, and a growth agent known as "chlorella growth factor" (CGF), which can stimulate the immune system, increase feed intake and utilization, and promote reproduction. Valuable components are rich not only in the cell mass of chlorella, but also in the culture medium used for its cultivation.
To date, chlorella suspension is widely used to improve compound of mixed fodders. As is known, the efficiency of fish rearing directly depends on the use of high-quality, balanced and inexpensive feeds, however, the use of new mixed fodders requires control of the physiological state of fish, one of the criteria of which is the biochemical composition of the blood. In this work, we studied the effectiveness of the use of domestic mixed fodders with a suspension of chlorella when growing fry of African catfish and Lena sturgeon.
It is known that chlorella suspension can be enriched with organic selenium, which plays an essential role in immunoregulation in the organism.
The article considers the effect of a chlorella suspension grown on a nutrient medium enriched with sodium selenite on the level of total protein, globulins, albumins, transaminases, and phosphatase in the blood of homoiothermal animals.
It was established that the introduction of chlorella suspension and chlorella suspension with the addition of selenium into the diet of calves activated physiological processes and contributed to the optimization of some of their biochemical parameters. A pronounced effect is observed when chlorella suspension enriched with selenium is added to milk. As a result of the experiments on the use of chlorella suspension in the rearing of poikilothermal animals, it was found that the algae has a significant effect on the change in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase in the fry Lena sturgeon.
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