On the ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa blue-green pigments to cleavage proteins


  • V.N. Nikandrov Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • N.S. Pyzhova RSPC of Epidemiology and Microbiologe, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


pyoverdin, pyocyanin, protein cleavage, inhibitory assay, reactive oxygen species, phosphates, pyridine nucleotides


For the first time, a previously unknown property of pyoverdin and pyocyanin – the ability to cleavage proteins, has been demonstrated. Judging by the results of inhibitory analysis with pyoverdin and literature data on pyocyanin, this property is realized through reactive oxygen species, primarily the superoxide radical. In relation to pyocyanin, the possibility of binding of metal cations with variable valence by pyocyanin molecule remains to be clarified. The discovered effect of molecular iodine and the local anesthetic procaine to completely suppress the gelatin-cleavaging ability of pyocyanin (to a lesser extent benzocaine – by 36%) gives certain grounds for finding means to suppress this ability of the pigment, given its pathogenic effect. The obtained results on the new property of pyoverdin and pyocyanin complement the arsenal of "tools" for the pathogenicity of these pigments.

Author Biographies

V.N. Nikandrov, Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Doctor of Biol. Sc. Habil., Professor of Biochemistry, Professor of the Department of Biotechnology

N.S. Pyzhova, RSPC of Epidemiology and Microbiologe, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Biol. Sc., Senior Researcher


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Biological sciences