Assessment of the environmental value of the rare component of the floral complex «Divin – Vialiki Les»
flora protection, vascular plants, Belarusian Polesie, endangered species, calcifilous plantsAbstract
Objective. To identify and analyze a rare component of flora to assess the conservation value of the floral complex «Dzivin – Vialiki Les».
Materials and methods. The results of the expedition floristic research, generalization of materials of herbarium collections and literary data.
Results. Within the limits of the floral complex «Dzivin – Vialiki Les», which includes the lands of the reserve of the same name and adjacent territories, 68 species of vascular plants have been identified that have conservation value in the conditions of the south-west of Belarus. Among them, 23 species have the category of protection of the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, 25 species are included in the list of plants in need of preventive protection, another 20 species are classified as regionally rare plants for the Belarusian Polesie. The analysis of the data obtained shows the high conservation value of this territory, which is achieved due to the relative preservation of natural ecosystems, as well as the specifics of local soil and geomorphological conditions – a wide representation of mineral islands with sod–carbonate soils..
Conclusion. The assessment of the conservation value of the floral complex «Dzivin – Vialiki Les» was carried out, taking into account the allocation of regionally rare and legally protected species of vascular plants, showing the significant role of this territory in preserving the phytodiversity of the Belarusian Polesie.
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