Bioinformatic analysis of the interaction of Filipendula ulmaria components with the biofilm protein TasA of Bacillus subtilis
Filipendula ulmaria, Bacillus subtilis, molecular docking, virtual screening, biofilm, TasA proteinAbstract
Biofilm formation by various microorganisms has emerged as a significant challenge in healthcare over the past decade. Bacillus subtilis is a model microorganism known for its ability to form antibiotic-resistant biofilms. Components of Filipendula ulmaria, particularly flavonoid-rich aqueous extracts, exhibit antimicrobial activity against B. subtilis, prompting interest in identifying target proteins. Employing bioinformatic methods, we conducted molecular docking and interaction analysis of F. ulmaria components against TasA, a key protein involved in B. subtilis biofilm formation. We identified molecules with high affinity for TasA, potentially disrupting biofilm formation, providing a foundation for further in vitro and in vivo studies. This work enhances our understanding of the antimicrobial potential of F. ulmaria and offers promising avenues for developing novel antimicrobial agents targeting biofilm inhibition.
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