To the question of the hormonal regulation of biosynthesis of the coenzymatic form of vitamin B1 in the brain
thiamine kinase, thiamine diphosphate, a brain, the hormonal regulationAbstract
Hormonal regulation has an extremely important role in maintaining of homeostasis and in adapting of the metabolic processes to changes in the internal or external environment of the organism. Most manifestations of hormonal regulation are associated with the function of enzymes, the activity and amount of which is changed through the action of hormones.
The article presents the results of a study of the possibility of hormonal regulation of the rate of formation of the co-enzyme form of vitamin B1 in the brain's cells.
The presence of the hormonal component was analyzed in vitro and in vivo situations. In vitro, experiments were performed using homogeneous thiamine kinase from the pig's brain. Arguments of the formation of a labile hormone-enzyme complex hydrocortisone-thiamine kinase were obtained. The association is caused by the occurrence of the hydrogen and hydrophobic bonds and is not accompanied by a violation of the protein conformation. The molecular kinetic properties of the enzyme are not changed in the complex significantly, but the half-life of a globule increases. An insulin does not bind to thiamine kinase and does not affect the rate of catalysis. The absence of a hormonal component in the biosynthesis of thiamine diphosphate is also observed in the experiments in vivo. Within the first hours after the administration of excess vitamin to test animals, the rate of coenzyme formation in all compared groups is substantially the same and is not determined by the baseline level of hormones in the tissue. On the contrary, the dephosphorylation process proceeds strictly within the framework of hormone-dependent dynamics, confirming the postulate about the role of non-enzymatic B1 reactions in anaerobic energy production.
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