Priority environmental factors for increasing species diversity and the number of wild animals in residential areas of the south-west of Belarus


  • V.V. Dziamianchyk Polesie Agrarian Ecological Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Brest, Republic of Belarus


environmental factors, species, abundance, wild animals, Tetrapoda, residential areas, southwest of Belarus


Objective – assessment of the main (priority) environmental factors contributing to an increase in species diversity and the number of wild animals in residential areas of the Brest region. Materials and methods. The structure and dynamics of Tetrapoda, were assessed at 12 monitoring points in the Brest region in 2010–2023. The species composition and abundance of Tetrapoda were surveyed at permanent observation areas and survey routes using generally accepted methods for various groups of vertebrates. Land types and the ways of nature management were assessed using maps and geographic information systems. Results. Based on the analysis of cartographic materials and field surveys, human activity factors were identified that improve the habitat and have a positive effect on the composition and abundance of vertebrate species in the residential landscape. These factors together lead to the formation of a residential habitat for animals that differs from natural territories in the research region. Examples are shown when a specific factor of human activity acted as a stabilizing or trigger factor of progressive reactions in tetrapod species and general trends of specific factors during the research period using the example of Brest. Conclusion. In the current conditions of development of residential areas of the southwest of Belarus, 10 main factors of human activity are distinguished, which to varying degrees determine the formation of favorable environmental conditions in the form of settlement ways, stable stations of vertebrates of the synanthropic complex. The most significant factors were associated with changes in forest and tree-shrub types of habitats. The most specific factor is the one arising from human relationships with animal species in populated areas.

Author Biography

V.V. Dziamianchyk, Polesie Agrarian Ecological Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Brest, Republic of Belarus

Researcher of the laboratory of Biogeochemistry


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Biological sciences