Route excursions and features of their conduct (on the example of the Republic of Karelia)


  • V.S. Plotnikova Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
  • N.N. Krivonogova Petrozavodsk State University, Russia


route excursion, travel content, audio and video materials, Republic of Karelia


The article is devoted to route excursions, the features of their preparation and conduct. The concept of a route excursion, its purpose and objectives regarding acquaintance with the sights and history of the area adjacent to the route of the tourist group are clarified on the basis of travel information, reference data, and accompanying audio and video materials. The requirements that should be taken into account when preparing material for a route excursion are highlighted, such as: taking into account the order of consideration of excursion objects, determining the main content of travel information reflecting the general characteristics of the history of the area that has become the subject of attention of excursionists, preparing audio and video content, summarizing the material on what they saw and heard during the trip. The most important methodological recommendations for conducting route excursions are also highlighted, concerning the story and demonstration, the work of the guide along the entire route. Using examples of route excursions in the Republic of Karelia, recommendations are given on the general filling of travel content, the possibilities of filling the content of excursions along different routes of the region are considered, and options for using audio and video content on country excursion routes are recommended.

Author Biographies

V.S. Plotnikova, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia

Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism

N.N. Krivonogova, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia

Master's Student at the Department of Tourism


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