Spiritual Security of Society: Information Culture of the Individual and Cultural Universals


  • А.А. Sokolova (А.А. Соколова) University of Civil Protection Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk
  • S.N. Sokolova (С.Н. Соколова), Doctor of Philos. Sc., Assoc. Prof.

Ключевые слова:

spiritual security, security Sigma, information violence, dehumanization of society, informatization, cultural universals, culture of the person, intercultural communication


Modern trends in the development of the information society, associated with the large-scale spread of the Internet, television and communication technologies, information violence, cyberspace, inevitably format social reality, changing the existential characteristics of modern man. The information model, paradoxically, generates a dangerous model of personal behavior, as knowledge becomes less accessible to a person, but the amount of information that is focused on pragmatism, individualism, fierce competition and hedonism increases very quickly. Following the intensive development of the competitive environment, as well as in connection with the increasing information eclecticism, destructive trends are beginning to gain strength, which are especially clearly manifested in alternative cyberspace, transforming public relations. Inter-regional confrontation and systemic crises destroy the national economies of various States and, in such a difficult situation, an important factor for society is the information culture of the individual, which determines the spiritual and motivational activity of a person. Dehumanization is the result of the dominance of the material (material) world and destructive communication that negatively affects a person's worldview. Spiritual security includes the universals of culture, revealing the object-subject principle of interaction between man and society, which actualizes the Sigma of security, since in the information society there are issues related to information violence and the devaluation of traditional values. And it is obvious that the priority for a universal -minded person is the ability to choose and use information effectively, since public interests in the sphere of spiritual security must be harmoniously combined with the interests of the modern individual. Otherwise, there are dangers, threats that generate dehumanization of society, which actualizes the spiritual security of society, the information culture of the individual and cultural universals.

Библиографические ссылки


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8. Sokolova S. N. Kul'tura bezopasnosti sovremennogo obshhestva i aksiologicheskaja matrica lichnosti [Culture of security of modern society and axiological matrix of personalit]. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija obshhestvennyh i gumanitarnyh nauk [Bulletin of Palesky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2017, no 1, pp. 66-72. (In Russian)

9. Sokolova S.N. Duhovnaja bezopasnost' obshhestva i kul'tura sovremennoj lichnosti [The spiritual security of the society and culture of the modern person]. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija obshhestvennyh i gumanitarnyh nauk [Bulletin of Palesky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2017, no 1, pp. 48-56. (In Russian)

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