The Establishment of the Belarusian Red Cross Society in 1920s


  • А.А. Kapliyev Institute of History National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Ключевые слова:

healthcare, Polish-soviet war, Socialistic Soviet Republic of Belarus, charter, refugees, Belarusian Red Cross Society


The article characterizes the process of the formation of the Belarusian Society of Red Cross at the beginning of the 1920s. The organizational structure of the Belarusian Red Cross was characterized, its composition, essence of activity were studied. It is shown, that at the beginning of its existence the Belarusian Red Cross’s main activities were the assistance to refugees and struggle against poverty and hunger, but this activity was limited due to the weak resources of the Society. The main factors, that predetermined the weakness of the Red Cross organization – the Polish-Soviet War and postwar poverty of the population of Belarus were revealed. It was proved, that due to the consequences of the New Economic Policy the Belarusian Red Cross faced serious financial problems, which were solved with the assistance of the state that led to its growing influence on the Red Cross by the mid-1920s.

Биография автора

А.А. Kapliyev, Institute of History National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Histor. Sc.

Библиографические ссылки


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