Traditions of French Philosophical Prose in the Modern Philosophical-Allegorical Novel
Ключевые слова:
philosophical and allegorical novel, irony, worldviews, universal and cultural mode of existence, French philosophical prose, the Enlightenment, genreАннотация
Objective: to identify the traditions of French philosophical prose of the Enlightenment in the artistic system of the modern philosophical and allegorical novel (using the example of works of French, English and Belarusian prose). Materials: work of A. Adamovich, T. Bondar, U. Karatkevіch, V. Kaz'ko, J.- M. G. Le Clézio, A. Mіnkіn, Montesquieu, U. Nyaklyaey, Vercors. Methods: dialectic, genetic, hermeneutic, structural-semiotic, intertextual, systemic. Results of the study can be used in the further study of the philosophical and allegorical novel from the standpoint of modern aesthetics, cultural studies, literary criticism, comparative studies, which, in turn, will deepen understanding of the modern literary process. Conclusion. For understanding the specifics of the formation of modern Belarusian philosophical prose, the experience of the French novel of the 18th century is especially important and indicative. In the Belarusian philosophical and allegorical novel, the following specific features, conditioned by the tradition of French prose of the Enlightenment, should be noted: an uncommon plot, a parabolic composition, a universal type of character, a system of characters as a series of doubles, an abstracted chronotope, a monologue type of discourse. These features define the artistic whole of the modern philosophical and allegorical novel.
Библиографические ссылки
Adamovich A. Poslednyaya pastoral' [The last pastoral]. Minsk: Novyj mir, 1987, 24 p.
Bondar T. (1998). Blagaslaulenne Maryі [Blessing Mary] Polymya: Lit.-mastacki i gramadskapalitych. Chasopis nr 10, pp. 17–97. (In Belarussian)
Dornier С. Lectures de Montesquieu: „Lettres persanes”. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 2013. 206 p. (In French)
Jilevich O.F. Roman S. Germain "Vzglyad Meduzy" kak allegoriya sovremennogo mira [S. Germain's novel "Medusa's Gaze" as an allegory of the modern world] Vestnik Polockogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya A: Gumanitarnye nauki [Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Serie A: Humanities]. 2019, no 2, pp. 53-56. Available at: (accessed: 01.10.2020).
Karatkevіch U. Hrystos pryzyamlіusya u Garodnі [Christ landed in Hrodna]. Mіnsk: Bellіtfond. 2000, 491 p. (In Belarussian)
Kaz'ko V. Bunt nezapatrabavanaga krahu [A riot of unclaimed collapse]. Mіnsk: Mastackaya lіtaratura. 2013, 287 p. (In Belarussian)
Le Clézio J.-M. G. Le Procès verbal. Paris : Gallimard, 2014, 290 p. (In French)
Mіnkіn A. Praudzіvaya gіstoryya kraіny Hludau [The true history of the Khlud country]. Mіnsk: Mastackaya lіtaratura. 1994, 240 s. (In Belarussian)
Montesquieu : Oeuvres complètes, tome I. Paris: Gallimard. 2015, 380 р. (In French)
Nyaklyaey U. Vybranyya tvory [Selected works]. Mіnsk: Knіgazbor. 2009. 182 p. (In Belarussian)
Rialland N. Roman et philosophie au temps des Lumières. Paris: CNRS Éditions. 2013, 287 р. (In French)
Spector C. Montesquieu, les «Lettres persanes» : de l’anthropologie à la politique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1997. 267 p. (In French)
Zababurova N.V. Frantsuzskiy filosofskiy roman XVIII veka: samosoznanie zhanra. V: XVIII vek: literatura v kontekste kulturyi [A French philosophical novel of the 18th century: the identity of the genre. V: XVIII century: literature in the context of cultures]. Moskva: Izdatelstvo URAO, 1999, pp. 94-104. (In Russian)
Vercors Sylva. Paris: Gallimard, 2010, 210 p. (In French)
Список литературы
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