Socio-civic and moralfunctional literacy of students in the information society


  • D.S. Voronyuk State Educational Institution «Academy of Education», Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Ключевые слова:

functional literacy, human spirituality, skill as a teacher, information society, quality of education


The article presents topical issues related to the formation of socio-civil and moral functional literacy of students in the information society. The author pays special attention to human spirituality and improving the quality of education based on the state ideology and traditional values of the Belarusian people.

Биография автора

D.S. Voronyuk, State Educational Institution «Academy of Education», Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Applicant of the Department of Content and Methods of Education

Библиографические ссылки

Voronyuk D. S., Sokolova, S. N. Dukhovno-nravstvenny`j potenczial lichnosti v usloviyakh sov-remenny`kh vy`zovov [Spiritual and moral potential of the personality in the conditions of modern challenges]. Soczial`noe znanie v sovremennom obshhestve: problemy`, zakonomernosti perspektivy` [Social knowledge in modern society: problems, patterns of perspective]. NAS of Belarus, Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Belarus. Minsk, Donarit, 2023, pp. 156–159. (In Russian)

Sokolova A. A., Sokolova S. N. Tekhnogennaya czivilizacziya: toksichnaya mediasfera i dukhovnost` cheloveka [Technogenic Civilization: Toxic Media Sphere and Human Spirituality]. Proceedings of the International University. Scientific Forum «Practice Oriented Science. UAE – RUSSIA – INDIA». January 7, 2024, pp. 97–106. (In Russian)

Voronyuk D. S., Sokolova S. N. ukhovnost` cheloveka i soczial`ny`e konstanty` nasiliya v infor-maczionnom obshhestve [Human spirituality and social constants of violence in the information society]. Neprery`vnoe obrazovanie pedagogov: dostizheniya, problemy`, perspektivy` [Continuing education of teachers: achievements, problems, prospects], Minsk, November 2, 2023. Moscow formation of the Republic. Belarus, GUO «Akad. postpole. Education». Minsk, APO, 2024, pp. 158–162. (In Russian)

Sokolova S. N. Koronakrizis i transformacziya czennostny`kh orientaczij lichnosti [Coronacrisis and Transformation of Value Orientations of Personality]. IV international scientific conference Madrid. Spain.10.05.2023, pp. 40–44. (In Russian)

Sokolova S. N. Fundamental`ny`e aspekty` dukhovnosti cheloveka v informaczionnom obshhestve [Fundamental aspects of human spirituality in the information society]. Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference London. Great Britain. 04.05.2023, pp. 76–81. (In Russian)

Sokolova S. N. Nravstvennaya regulyacziya povedeniya i vospitanie cheloveka [Moral regulation of behavior and human education]. Theory and methodology of professional education. Issue 10. Minsk, RIPO, 2023, pp. 151–158. (In Russian)

Sokolova S. N. Pedagogicheskoe obshhenie i kul`tura bezopasnosti lichnosti [Pedagogical communication and culture of personal security]. Sbornik nauchny`kh trudov Akademii poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya [Collection of scientific works of the Academy of Postgraduate Education]. Issue 21. Ed. O.V. Dyachenko et. al. Minsk, SEI «Academy of Postgraduate Education». APA, 2023, pp. 423–431. (In Russian)

Sokolova S. N. Destruktivny`j kontent informaczionnogo obshhestva i dukhovnost` cheloveka v e`pokhu gibridny`kh vojn [Destructive content of the information society and human spirituality in the era of hybrid wars]. Informaczionny`e vojny`: kognitivny`e i aksiologicheskie aspekty` [Information wars: cognitive and axiological aspects]. Ed. S. I. Chudinov, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics. Novosibirsk, SibGUTI, 2023, pp. 241–259. (In Russian)

Laptenok A.S. Nravstvennoe vospitanie lichnosti v informaczionnom obshhestve [Moral education of the individual in the information society]. Vy`khavanie adukacziya [Hoarseness adaptation]. 2023, no. 3(123), pp. 3–5. (In Russian)

Список литературы

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