Biodiversity of the microbial community of grape roots as a potential biotechnological resource
Vitis vinifera, rhizosphere, endosphere, phyllosphere, bacteriome, mycobiome, terroirAbstract
The Polesye region is the leading region of industrial viticulture in the Republic of Belarus. Natural and climatic conditions favor the cultivation of high-quality grape varieties here, which can compete with foreign products.
According to modern concepts, any plant and its associated microbiota can be considered as a single ecological complex associated with close interactions. Such associations can help host plants adapt to changing environmental conditions. Each species or close species of plants has its own specific complex of microscopic bacteria and fungi, which are unmatched in their ability to develop various ecological niches.
The article presents data on the quantitative and qualitative structure of epiphytic and endophytic microorganisms of various econiches of cultural grapes. The importance of studying the root community in view of the vertical movement along the vascular system to the phyllosphere has been proved.
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