Tax Management in Accounting System


  • I. Zherеbylo (И.В. Жеребило), Cand. of Econ. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine State Higher Educational Institution «Banking University» Lviv Educational Institute, Ukraine
  • R. Shurpenkova (Р.К. Шурпенкова), Cand. of Econ. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine State Higher Educational Institution «Banking University» Lviv Educational Institute, Ukraine
  • О. Sarakhman (О.Н. Сарахман), Cand. of Econ. Sc., Assoc. Prof. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine State Higher Educational Institution «Banking University» Lviv Educational Institute, Ukraine

Ключевые слова:

tax management, tax planning, tax system, taxlegislations, Internal revenue code of Ukraine


The article discusses the essence and role of tax management in the accounting system. Tax management is considered as part of the managerial process of the subject of management. The functions, constituent elements and tasks of tax management at the enterprise are considered. The process of tax management at the enterprise is characterized, its key stages are determined. The ways of improvement of management of tax management in the enterprise in the modern conditions in Ukraine are offered.

Библиографические ссылки


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Как цитировать

Zherеbylo (И.В. Жеребило) I., Shurpenkova (Р.К. Шурпенкова) R., & Sarakhman (О.Н. Сарахман) О. (2019). Tax Management in Accounting System. Экономика и банки, (2), 3-9. извлечено от



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