Innovative way of the tourism development in the Republic of Belarus


  • Е.Н. Гриц (E.N. Grits), преподаватель Baranavichy State University, Republic of Belarus
  • Ю.Г. Олесик (Y.G. Olesik), студент Baranavichy State University, Republic of Belarus


innovation, tourism, innovative potential, virtual tourism, scientific and technological potential, novation


In the modern world, the tourism industry is one of the most profitable and rapidly developing. The Republic of Belarus, like many countries, strives to develop this industry more and more. But the pace of tourism development in the country is low in global comparison. Thus, the article justifies the need for the Republic of Belarus to switch to the innovative path of tourism development, and considers the existing scientific, technical and innovative potential of the country for the implementation of innovative ideas, and proposes the most promising innovations in the tourism sector.


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