
  • Е.Г. ЛЕОНИДОВА (E.G. LEONIDOVA), младший научный сотрудник Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


tourism, domestic tourism, economy


Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the national economy. For the regional economy the development of domestic tourism has utmost significance in the structure of its types, meaning the travel of tourists within the country for the purpose of entertainment, recreation, relaxation, etc. However, in the Russian Federation this type of tourism is underdeveloped due to the imperfect infrastructure of the economic sector, the discrepancy between the price of tourist products and their quality, as well as the lack of competent personnel. The issues of the development of domestic tourism are reflected in the works of Grigorenko T.N., Kruzhalin V.I., Kr uzhalin K.V., Shabolina N.V., Makeeva D.R., Semenova E.V. and other authors. The article considers the essence of domestic tourism and defines possible directions of its enhancement. The methods of theoretical analysis, analysis of statistical data, synthesis are used in the study. The statistical data revealed the decrease in the number of trips made by Russians for tourist purposes. In addition, the current tourist potential allows developing a wide range of types of tourism for domestic tourists. As it turned out, this development is hampered by the shortage of regional tourist products attracting domestic tourists, inadequate tourist infrastructure and the lack of money for a tourist trip. On the base of analysis of management it was determined that it`s not promote domestic tourist consumption.


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Economics, Management and Marketing, Right in the Tourism and Hospitality