
  • Е.А. ГРЕЧИШКИНА (O.O. HRECHYSHKINA), канд. экон. наук, доцент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Ж.А. СИДОРОВА (Z.A. SIDARAVA), студент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


agroecotourism, agro–farm, agro–ecotourism subject, development, problems, stimulation, cluster, inclusive tours


The article discusses one of the promising areas in the economic sphere, agro–ecotourism, which contributes to replenishing the state budget, as well as attracting foreign investment in the country’s economy. The characteristics of agro–ecotourism development in various countries in
comparison with the Republic of Belarus are reflected, the tourism potential of the country is analyzed, its strengths and weaknesses are revealed. The views of various authors studying this topic are analyzed. In this article, the authors focus on a detailed consideration of the main problems hindering the agro–ecotourism development in the Republic of Belarus. According to the study results, the existing unresolved issues are analyzed, an attempt to reveal the main reasons for their emergence are made, and ways of solving them are proposed. In the concluding part of the article, promising opportunities for entities providing agro–ecotourism services are disclosed, since for this purpose, there are necessary conditions in the Republic of Belarus that provide both state bodies and public associations interested in the country’s entry into the international tourist market.


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Pure Sciences Aspects of Tourism Activities