Studying of Ethnographic Heritage of the Belarusian Polesye Means of the Photo during the Interwar Period


  • В.Л. ЛОЗИЦКИЙ (V.L. LOZITSKY), канд. пед. наук, доцент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


ethnography, Belarusian Polesia, interwar period, ethnographic photographic material, ethnographic heritage, historical memory


Article is devoted to an issue of studying of culture and ethnographic heritage of the population of the Belarusian Polesia by means of the photo during finding of the West Belarusian lands as a part of the Polish state (1921–1939) under the terms of the Riga world. The author allocated the factors which defined an originality of approaches of researchers in accumulation of ethnographic material. The practical nature of the provisions output by the author allow to use the presented material in the organization and implementation of training of students – future experts in the sphere of tourism, museum business and protection of historical and cultural heritage.


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