Poland's Tourist Market: Structural and Territoria Features of Development


  • И.И. ПИРОЖНИК (I.I. PIROZHNIK), д-р геогр. наук, профессор Institute of Geography and Regional Studies Pomeranian Academy Slupsk, Republic of Poland


tourist sector (tourism industry), tourist economy, tourist bed fund, tourist flows, rank of tourist functions, market types of regions, spatial structure


The purpose of this article is to show the structural and territorial features of the development of the tourism sector in Poland, its economic importance in the economic complex and the tendency to form a spatial structure at the macro level. Using data from the World Council on Tourism and Travel, indicators of the contribution of tourism to the production of GDP and employment have been considered. Based on the Polish classification of activities (2007) and statistical materials of the Main Department of Statistics, the structural features of the development of the hotel industry, catering and gastronomic services, as well as the sphere of tour operators and tourism market intermediaries in 2012-2017 are shown. Using the indicators of the dynamics and level of development of the main elements of the tourist market (tourist beds, tourist flows, overnight stays by tourists), the features of the spatial structure of the tourism sector in the 16 provinces of the country are shown. Based on the methodological approaches of the concept of spatial-functional analysis, the level of development of tourist functions in the regions, features of their dynamics and trends in the formation of the spatial structure of the tourist sector are disclosed.


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Tourism in the Region