Foreign Experience of Popularization Inclusive Rehabilitation and Social Tourism


  • Н.В. БЕЛОУСОВА (N.V. BIELOUSOVA), канд. геогр. наук, доцент National Aviation University, Kiev


inclusive tourism, people with inclusion, tourist industry, accessible tourist environment, international experience


The results of the study of foreign experience of the popularization and use of inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism as a new interdisciplinary direction in the tourism sector are presented. The conceptual and terminological apparatus, as well as discussion questions regarding the use and interpretation of the concept of “inclusive tourism” are considered. A brief analysis of the world indicators of the number of people with disabilities who used the services of travel companies was carried out and the relationship of the tourism industry with other sectors of the world’s economy was determined. This allows all inclusive categories, especially people with special needs, to be involved in the tourism infrastructure in the presence of an accessible environment, including mobile, visual, auditory and cognitive components of accessibility, to function independently and on equal terms, with dignity. The scientific-theoretical base for the study of the problem of attracting people with special needs in various spheres of human activity in the framework of their rehabilitation and adaptation to social norms is considered. An assessment of the European accessibility of the tourism sector for people with inclusion, and especially for people with disabilities, was proposed on the example of France, Germany, Spain, and described possible areas of rehabilitation assistance through the tourism industry. Provided data on the readiness of the camp of the world to receive inclusive tourists with disabilities of various groups and nosologies. The factors and causes affecting the development of inclusive tourism are identified. A set of measures is described to solve the problems of providing an “accessible environment” for people with disabilities, and measures are planned for their early implementation.


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Pure Sciences Aspects of Tourism Activities