Problem of Formation of Agro Tourist Clusters in the Republic of Belarus


  • С.А. Демьянов (S.A. Demyanov), старший преподаватель Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


agroecotourism, farmstead, cluster, agritourism business, cluster subject, destination


This article discusses the problems of the formation and development of agritourism clusters as one of the most effective forms of territorial organization of agritourism business. The article reflects the results of a study of successful practical experience in the formation of local initiatives in order to create agritourism clusters or travel destinations. A brief description and analysis of successful practices of implementing the cluster concept of organizing agroecotourism is given. Identified key prerequisites for the creation of regional agritourism clusters. This article focuses on the problems of the formation of agritourism clusters in the Belarusian economy, an attempt is made to identify the real reasons for the problematic implementation of the cluster concept of organizing agroecotourism and the cooperation of cluster entities. According to the results of the study, an analysis of factors affecting the functioning of agroecotourism entities within the clusters was carried out. In the final part, measures are proposed aimed at minimizing the problematic issues of the practical implementation of the cluster concept of organizing an agrotourism business.


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Economics, Management and Marketing, Right in the Tourism and Hospitality