Segmentarity of Development and Implementation of an Inclusive Rehabilitation-Social Tourism in Ukraine


  • Н.В. Белоусова (N.V. Bielousova), канд. геогр. наук, доцент National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine
  • О.А. Скоростецкая (О.А. Skorostetskaya), ассистент National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine


inclusion, people with disabilities, inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism, natural potential, recreational and tourist resource, accessible environment


The article discusses the development of theoretical and practical aspects of the development and implementation of a new direction in the tourism sector of Ukraine as “inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism” (IRST), which has its own factors contributing to the emergence of such a direction in tourism, its own characteristics, its own categories of society and promising trends for further use. It focuses on the fact that inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism is a modern segment of the tourism sector of Ukraine to meet the multifunctional needs of a person in a comfortable way of life, using natural resources, recreational-tourist, historical and cultural potential, as well as modern innovative technologies used in the tourism sector. Tourism is proposed to be considered as a form of leisure, as part of the country's interindustry complex to meet the needs of the population in recreation and recreation, as well as a powerful communicative component of the globalization tourism process. An analytical assessment of statistics on the level of disability of society in Ukraine was carried out. The factors and reasons that influence the development of inclusive tourism are identified. A set of measures to solve the problems of providing an “accessible environment” in Ukraine for people with disabilities is described, measures for their speedy implementation are outlined.


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