History of the Hospitality Industry in Kazakhstan


  • В.А. Кораблев (V.A. Korablev), канд. экон. наук, профессор кафедры University «Turan», Almaty, Kazakhstan


hospitality, the Great silk road, caravanserais, a post-station (the pit), Inns, public chase, post roads, road stations and picks, waypoint


It is no coincidence that the article analyzes the stages of formation of the hospitality industry i n Kazakhstan, considers its objects (caravanserais, pits-post stations) on the great silk road, as well as on postal routes, including between Tashkent and Verny, at the end of the NINETEENTH century (state chase, Inns, road stations, postal pickets, crossing points), as well as the so-called "rooms" (Yeliseyev, Belousov) or hotels of the early twentieth century in Verny. The author emphasizes the systematization of knowledge about the historical aspects of its formation and the Genesis of the hospitality industry of the past years, taking into account new trends, which, of course, has not only a purely theoretical value, but also a practical meaning.


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Historical and Cultural Aspects of Tourism and Hospitality