Historical Background of the Development of Medical Tourism in Ukraine


  • В.В. Баев (V.V. Baіev), канд. экон. наук, доцент National University of Food Technologies, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Д.И. Басюк (D.I. Basyuk), д-р экон. наук, профессор National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev


tourism, medical tourism, tourism in Ukraine, the history of medical tourism


According to forecasts of the World Health Organization, until 2022, tourism and healthcare should become the leading sectors of the global economy. The development of medical tourism has a significant positive impact on the health care system in the country, it implements the unmet demand of the population for diagnostic, treatment and wellness services, as well as services for plastic surgery and appearance care, cosmetology. If we talk about the dynamics of development, the tourism market in Ukraine now occupies a leading position among the post-Soviet countries. Today, tourism is considered one of the promising areas of socio-economic development of the country, regions, cities. The process of accelerated tourism development is the result of scientific and technological progress, the growth of cognitive and health-improving needs of people and the need for international business contacts. The presence of a rich historical, cultural and natural-recreational potential has allowed many countries, some of which are not even highly developed, to gain serious positions in the global tourism market. The historical aspects of the development of medical tourism on the territory of Ukrainian lands from the time of Ancient Greece (northern Black Sea region) to the present day, the prospects for its development in modern conditions are investigated. The medical tourism market in Ukraine has developed in the last decade. Today, national tourism enterprises sell services in three main types of medical tourism: diagnostic, wellness, medical. According to analytical estimates, the flow of outbound medical tourism in our country annually increases by 1.5-2 times. According to the analytical forecast of the World Medical Tourism Association (GHTC), Ukraine is a promising region for foreign investors, therefore, in the past few years, the association has proposed a number of investment projects for Ukrainian healthcare institutions and recommendations for reforming the industry.


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