Analysis of the Natural-Historical and Cultural Potential of RLR «Naliboksky» for the Development of Ecological Tourism in the Region


  • О.В. Бахур (А. Bakhur), канд. биол. наук, доцент Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Я.А. Шапорова (Y. Shaporova), канд. биол. наук, доцент Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


ecological tourism, protected areas, RLR, ecotopes, flora, fauna, historical and cultural heritage


Our research shows that the territory of the republican landscape reserve “Naliboksky” has a high natural potential: forest ecosystems are predominantly of natural origin and have retained their composition of flora and fauna. In the reserve you can find all ungulate animals and large predators living in Belarus, as well as wild horses recently brought from Holland. Tourists can see and hear the capercaillie in the spring, watch the mating dances of the gray cranes, and also see a lot from the world of wildlife. The high attractiveness of the reserve and its proximity to the capital make it one of the best places for ecological tourism in the region. RLR “Naliboksky” promotes the establishment of partnerships between the state and small private companies in the region through the development of agritourism and the implementation of joint long-term projects.


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Tourism in the Region