Quest excursion as an innovative form of tourist activity


  • А.О. Васильченко (A.O. Vasilchenko), канд. экон. наук, доцент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • В.С. Бойко (V.S. Boiko), студент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Е.А. Ласькова (E.A. Laskova), студент Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


quest, quest-tour, innovative forms of excursions, tourism, regional tourism development


The goal is to study the market of excursion services in the Republic of Belarus in order to apply new innovative forms in excursion activities. Materials and methods: the study and testing used public data of the National statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, data from the tourist portal, applied a systematic approach and comparative methods. Results. This study presents an analysis of methodological approaches to conducting excursions. The paper offers a unique quest tour of the city of Pinsk "Going to shpatsirovat on Gas", the target audience of which is quite wide. The tour focuses on the knowledge of the historical and cultural heritage of the city of Pinsk, culture and tourist resource of the city. The developed tour will help attract tourists to the region, "enliven" the classic excursions held in the city of Pinsk, will help to increase the awareness of the city and the region as a whole and the quality component of any tourist product developed both in the city and the tour that includes the sights of the region. Conclusions. Quest tour is an innovative product that has been recognized all over the world, represents a non-standard approach to conducting a classic tour and has a great potential for development in the future.


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Modern Technology and Innovation in the Tourism and Hospitality