Theoretical aspect formation of recreational space of the city
recreation, recreational space, recreational resources, water resources, recreational zoneAbstract
Recreation development is recognized as the leading direction of socio-economic activity in Ukraine. Against the background of the active development of new powerful complexes over the past decades, the infrastructure remains underdeveloped, environmental and socio-economic problems become more acute, and the aesthetic qualities and uniqueness of landscapes are lost. For rational and effective use of tourist, natural, medical and recreational resources of Ukraine, it is necessary to create a tourist and recreational space by creating and ensuring the functioning of tourism development zones and resorts, and to develop, implement and offer a competitive national tourist product to the consumer. The article examines the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the formation of recreational space in cities. Scientific works that consider the essence of the concept of recreational space are analyzed, and factors of influence on the formation and development of the city's recreational space are determined. The significance of water recreation in the organization of recreation, the current state of water recreation in the city of Kremenchug, identified problems, as well as potential opportunities for the development of territories for recreation over water.
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