Structural and block model of types of rehabilitation and tourist services in the system of geographical sciences


  • Н.В. Белоусова (N.V. Bielousova), канд. геогр. наук, доцент National Aviation University, Kiev
  • О.А. Скоростецкая (O.A. Skorostetskaya), аспирант Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine


inclusion, inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism, system of geographical sciences, interdisciplinary direction


The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the use of tourism as a scientific direction, which is in close contact with a number of adjacent scientific areas related to the fundamental science of geography. As part of an interdisciplinary complex of geographical sciences, tourism is considered as a form of leisure, treatment, rehabilitation, recreation, which solves the problem of meeting the needs of the population in leisure, recreation and communicative use of a tourism product. To visualize the material presented, a schematic description is proposed that defines the relationship and significance of each research area to solve the problem of rehabilitation of people through tourist services.


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2. Bіelousova N.V., Skorostetska O.O. Development of inclusive tourism in Ukraine. Current issues of inclusive tourism introduction in Ukraine and other countries: collective monograph. Poznan, 2020, pp. 36-52.

3. Bіelousova N.V. Teoretichnі aspekti pohodzhennja ta vikoristannja ponjattja «reabіlіtacіjna geografіja» [Theoretical aspects of the origin and use of the concept of "rehabilitation geography"]. Vіsnik Hersons'kogo derzhavnogo unіversitetu. Serіja «Geografіchnі nauki» [Bulletin of the Kherson State University. Geographic Sciences Series]. Kherson : Issue no. 8, 2018. pp.229-234. (in Ukrainian)

4. Bіelousova N.V. Іnkljuzivnij turizm u sistemі reabіlіtacіjnoї geografії: vіd teorії do praktiki [Inclusive tourism in the system of rehabilitation geography: from theory to practice]. K., ONLY, 2018, 346 p. (in Ukrainian)

5. Bіelousova N.V., Lyubitseva O.O. [Prospects for introducing inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism in Ukraine]. Zhurnal z geologії, geografії ta geoekologії. Dnіprovs'kij nacіonal'nij unіversitet іmenі Olesja Gonchara [Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University]. D. Volume 28, no 4, 2019, pp.631-639.

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Pure Sciences Aspects of Tourism Activities