Trends and perspectives of the provision of tourist services in the territory of region Vlora (Albania)


  • Е.С. Богомолова (E.S. Bogomolova), д-р экон. наук, профессор People’s Friendship of University of Russia Hotel Business and Tourism Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Мигена Акулли (Migena Akulli), магистрант People’s Friendship of University of Russia Hotel Business and Tourism Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation


Vlora County, tourist services, hotel sector, promotion of tourist products, image marketing


In this article we will discuss the conditions for the provision of tourist product affecting the organization of the reception and accommodation of domestic and foreign tourists of the Republic of Albania, including the Vlora County. The organization of the provision of tourist products as a complex of services depends on the quality of service and tourist infrastructure, part of which is the means of accommodation. We also discuss the possibilities of the effective use of the available accommodation facilities and the construction of new comfortable accommodation facilities for the further development of tourism with regard to the implementation of the marketing and communication policy of the Republic of Albania and the Vlora County.


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Tourism in the Region