Prospects of ethno parks in Uzbekistan


  • Х.Ф. Очилова (H.F. Ochilova), канд. экон. наук Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan


ethnopark, ethnographic tourism, national heritage, projects of ethnoparks, theme parks, traditions and customs of the ethnos


This article explores the concept of "ethnopark" and describes the features of their organization in the republic. Today in Uzbekistan much attention is paid to the development of tourism, because as foreign experience shows, tourism is a cost-effective industry for the national economy. In addition, one of the modern types of tourism aimed at protecting and developing nature, cultural and historical heritage, and promoting employment of the population of the republic is ethnographic tourism, within which we recommend organizing ethnic parks. An author’s definition is given to one of the new segments of the tourism market in Uzbekistan, ethnic parks, as a cultural institution that provides services that are united by a common theme or highlighted by a distinctive feature. Also in this article, are listed the stages of development and construction of a project of ethnic parks in the city of Tashkent. In the final part, the author highlights the features of the organization ethnic parks in the the republic and the prospects for its development. Prospects for the development of ethnic parks in Uzbekistan will contribute to increasing employment by creating additional jobs, developing leisure and tourism infrastructure, leading to an improvement in the quality of life of citizens, as well as to meeting the needs for active and full-fledged recreation, health promotion, inclusion in cultural values, and patriotic education of the young generation of the country.


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