Wellness Tourism as a Possibility of Territory Development in the Conditions of Post-Conflict and Pandemic
wellness, wellness industry, wellness tourism, wellness innovations, post-conflict conditions, pandemicAbstract
The article states about prospects for the development of wellness tourism and the possibilities of wellness to influence the development of the territory in the context of post-conflict and pandemic. The research methodology is applied, combining philosophical and general scientific principles, which are the methodological principles of scientific research and include a number of laws and categories. The research used analytical, statistical, comparative geographical, historical research methods. The article analyzes the origin of the term wellness, its importance and impact on human health. The analysis showed that wellness has a positive effect not only on the physical health of a person, but also on the emotional, spiritual, and mental state of a person. It is shown that today the wellness industry has a global scale, and is rapidly developing, which can contribute to the development of territories affected by military conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic. The article analyzes wellness innovations such as wellness meals, wellness hotels, new technologies in the field of wellness services. The main wellness innovations, their forms, types and specifics, which will allow better transformation of tourist and recreational complexes in order to improve the health of the population, have been systematized. It has been suggested that introduction of the wellness industry and wellness tourism in post-conflict territories will contribute to the improvement of the population's health.
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