The Landscape-Limnological Assessment of Krichevichskoe Lake for the Purpose of Recreational Fishing


  • V.O. Martyniuk Rovensky State University of Humanities, Rоvnо, Ukraine
  • S.V. Andriichuk Rovensky State University of Humanities, Rоvnо, Ukraine


landscape, recreation, recreational fishing, lake, natural-aquatic complex, aquatic facies


The special role of lakes or lake-basin systems in the recreational nature management of Polesie region of Ukraine is substantiated. The lake basins are proposed to be considered as natural-economic systems with a certain specialization of nature management. The researchers are important for substantiating the theory and practice of recreational and economic lake systems, which would take into account the landscape and the ecological-limnological features of the reservoir. The purpose of the study is to carry out a landscape-limnological assessment of Krichevichskoe lake (Ukrainian Polesie) for the needs of recreational fishing. The work is based on the materials of the field seasonal landscape-limnological searches in 2018-2019 within the lake basin. The main research methods, in particular, were complex physical and geographical prospecting, hydrological and geological profiling, bathymetric modeling, hydrochemical and geochemical analysis, landscape mapping using GIS technologies. Research results. The paper presents an original bathymetric model of Krichevichskoe lake, the morphological and hydrological calculations of the basin system with 20 indicators. The hydrochemical indicators of the water masses of the reservoir (salt composition, tropho-saprobiological characteristics, indicators of toxic effects) have been analyzed, a stratigraphic section of lacustrine deposits has been constructed, and the geochemical characteristics of sapropel have been assessed along the radial profile of one of the probing points. A large-scale digital landscape map of the natural-aquatic complex (NAC) of the lake has been developed, in which two aquatic subsurfaces and seven aquatic facies have been identified. The landscape-metric analysis of the NAC has been carried out and the indices of the fractionality of landscape contours, landscape complexity, and landscape fragmentation have been given. Conclusion. In terms of landscape and hydrological indicators, the NAC meets the requirements for recreational and sports fishing. The NAC experiences anthropogenic impact from recreational (sports competitions in fishing, “weekend tours”) and aquaculture (feeding fish with compound feed, sanitizing the reservoir with lime to preserve the fish stock), seasonal replenishment of water into the lake from bypass canals. It is necessary to start hydrochemical and hydrobiological monitoring of the lake in order to optimize sports and recreational nature management.

Author Biographies

V.O. Martyniuk, Rovensky State University of Humanities, Rоvnо, Ukraine

PhD in Geog. Sc., Associate Professor; Professor at the Department of Ecology, Geography and Tourism

S.V. Andriichuk, Rovensky State University of Humanities, Rоvnо, Ukraine

Postgraduate at the Department of Ecology, Geography and Tourism


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