Recovery of Tourism in Uzbekistan after the Pandem


  • H.F. Ochilova Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan


coronavirus and tourism, Covid-19, weekend-tours, pandemic, domestic tourism of Uzbekistan, digital tourism


In this article the measures on restoration of tourism and hospitality sphere after Covid-19 in the Republic of Uzbekistan are considered. The idea that people will start traveling individually and choose a place and book everything they need online is substantiated, i.e. digitalization of the tourism industry is necessary. Besides, after self-isolation and restrictive measures, people will use tourist services, observing sanitary and hygienic rules during trips.  The aim of the article is to analyze the situation in the world and in Uzbekistan during the pandemic, as well as to develop practical measures to rehabilitate the tourism sector from the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The main focus of the work is on measures to develop domestic tourism and the development of electronic platforms for the formation of online tourism. According to the author, as soon as the quarantine is softened and the country's borders are opened, the load of hotels, restaurants and other facilities will increase, primarily at the expense of compatriots. The author suggests developing short-term weekend tours. This article justifies the idea that in the future people will start traveling individually, choosing a place and booking hotel rooms online. Hospitality companies will now have to focus on developing new destinations and tours, potential demand, and offer new travel products to their customers. The article summarizes some of the results of the study, concluding that the tourism business in Uzbekistan needs to fundamentally rethink their existing business models through innovation and digitalization of tourism. It is also necessary to develop such market segments as rural and natural tourism, the potential of which is currently only beginning to unfold. In addition, under current conditions, the domestic tourism industry can not do without state support.

Author Biography

H.F. Ochilova, Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan

PhD in Econ. Sc.; Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Service


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