Effects of Coronavirus Pandemic Influence on the Tourism Development in Azerbai jan


  • F.P. Rakhmanov Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)
  • E.B. Suleymanov Baku Engineering University
  • E.M. Gojayeva Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management


coronavirus pandemic, tourism industry, behavioral stereotypes, accommodation facilities, sociological survey, domestic tourism, income level, respondents, travel service


The article provides analysis and summary of empirical measurements derived over the course of original sociological survey that covered 417 respondents in various regions of Azerbaijan. The authors focus on the prospects for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the country during the modern conditions and in the post-pandemic period, changes in behavioral stereotypes of potential travellers: the behavioral strategies dependent on financial capabilities for travel, their attitudes towards the use of intermediaries, means of collective accommodation, and additional disinfecting solutions in residential premises and related practices. Scientific objective: On the basis of a sociological survey conducted by the authors in the context of new behavioral stereotypes (increased anxiety, concern about the guarantee of non-infection with COVID-19, etc.) to analyze the short and medium term effects of the pandemic on domestic and inbound tourism in Azerbaijan. Thus, in the presence of extensive scientific material on the problems of tourism in general, we do not have works devoted to assessing the short-term and medium-term effects of the spread of COVID-19 on domestic and inbound tourism, analyzing the consequences of the imposed restrictions on the movement of citizens and the work of the industry, the effectiveness of measures to support the tourism industry. and the hospitality industry in a pandemic, the rational choice of tactics for the behavior of the population, the peculiarities of reactions to compliance with sanitary regulations on the part of citizens, etc. This article fills this gap to some extent.

Author Biographies

F.P. Rakhmanov, Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)

Doctor of Econ. Sc., Professor, Honored Teacher of the Republic

E.B. Suleymanov, Baku Engineering University

Doctor of Philos. in Econ, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Science

E.M. Gojayeva, Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management

Doctor of Philos. in Econ., Associate Professor; Head of the Department of Marketing


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Tourism in the Region