Townships as centers of tourismin Western Belarus (1921-1939)


  • H.S. Kasianouskaja Grodno State University, Republic of Belarus


tourism, townships, regional tourism, Western Belarus, Poland, the interwar period, the tourism potential


The scientific article is devoted to the development of tourism in Western Belarus in 1921-1939. The article focuses on the fact that not only cities, but also townships in 1921-1939 were included in the tourism industry. The townships has a certain set of cultural, historical, natural, socio-economic, transport resources, the totality of which was used by the Polish state, local government and local residents to organize tourism activities. According to the author, most of the factors of tourist attraction have been focused at the development of inbound and domestic tourism. The author emphasizes that in the 30s of the twentieth century, the construction of summer cottages for recreation in the townships, the leasing of private dachas and estates turned the townships into centers of agritourism, thus increasing the flow of tourists and on an ongoing basis to take a rest. The purpose of scientific research is to determine the specifics and conditions for the development of tourism in the townships of Western Belarus in 1921-1939. The article also characterizes the inclusion of townships in the most popular routes of the main regions of Belarus – Vilenshina, Ponemania, Polesie. There are revealed some areas of tourism, which have been developed and defined tourist attraction Belarusian townships.

Author Biography

H.S. Kasianouskaja, Grodno State University, Republic of Belarus

PhD in Hist. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Special Sociological Sciences


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