Problems and prospects for the development of treatment and health tourism in Eastern territories of Ukraine in postconflict conditions


  • G.M. Zavarika Volodymyr Dal East Ukrainian University
  • T.D. Chueva Volodymyr Dal East Ukrainian University


health tourism, health resort institutions, region, eastern territories, competitiveness, natural resources


The pace of life is getting faster every year and it is moving to a new level. Therefore, medical and health tourism becomes more important every year. That is why the study of this topic is relevant. The article examines the following issues: the situation, problems and prospects of development of medical and health tourism in Ukraine. Special attention is paid to Donbass (eastern regions of Ukraine). In order to answer these questions, the following research methods are used: analytical, statistical and comparative-geographical. They help to analyze in detail and visually demonstrate the present situation of tourism in the east of Ukraine. The main role is played by statistical data, which are presented on the official sites of statistics of Ukraine and its regions under study. The analysis showed that the statistical indicators of Donbass are decreasing and this tendency continues. Therefore, special attention from the government is needed. Possible innovative ways of solving this problem were suggested. Their implementation will increase the interest of tourists to the eastern regions and develop health tourism on a new level.

Author Biographies

G.M. Zavarika, Volodymyr Dal East Ukrainian University

Associate Professor of International Economics and Tourism Department

T.D. Chueva, Volodymyr Dal East Ukrainian University

Student of the Department of International Economics and Tourism


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Pure Sciences Aspects of Tourism Activities