Investment and innovative development support tourism in the world


  • O.M. Lіutak Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukrainе
  • O.V. Baula Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukrainе


tourism, investment, innovation, municipal bonds, diaspora bonds


The study proves that the processes of transnationalization in the tourism industry develop according to a special scenario, since they are influenced even by those companies that are not directly part of the structure of the tourism industry and are characterized by the consolidation of international business in the international tourism industry, the accumulation of significant financial resources in this area and enhancing the activity of TNCs. It is substantiated that in the context of the growth of the overall profitability of international tourism, the level of capitalization of the tourism industry is increasing, which is formed on the basis of taking into account certain aspects of the overall capitalization process and its constituent aspects; considered the geographical structure of investment in the tourism sector. Additional factors are highlighted that form a favorable investment climate in the country in the context of increasing the use of tourist and recreational potential and attracting foreign investment. The study examines the possibilities of debt instruments of the stock market for financing innovative projects in the tourism industry. In particular, based on world experience, the expediency of using bonds of municipalities and diaspora as a tool for attracting investment in the tourism sector has been substantiated.

Author Biographies

O.M. Lіutak, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukrainе

Doctor of Econ. Sc., Professor, Department of International Economic Relations

O.V. Baula, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukrainе

PhD in Econ. Sc., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations


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Economics, Management and Marketing, Right in the Tourism and Hospitality